bi yearly synonym

The answer, rather, lies in the meaning of the suffix “ly”. Wouldn’t it be interesting to apply hetero-, homo-, and bi- to “weekly”. Heteroweekly would mean at some time other than this week. Homoweekly bi yearly synonym would mean during this or the same week. But look at this, biweekly would mean both this week AND the other…two. Remember, bisexuals don’t love the sexes twice, they love two sexes.

The words “biannual” and “biennial” are two such terms that seem like the same, but they aren’t. It is one thing to acknowledge that a lot of people mis-use a word and therefore the well educated must be cautious when using that word around the less well educated. However, it is a wholly different thing to just cave in and say “the word by has taken on both meanings.” That is a cop out. The only way it was allowed to take on both meanings is because some set of “authorities” caved in and said it’s okay, it has now taken on both meanings.

If Bi means two, then wouldn’t that mean two weeks are needed to create something that’s “bi-weekly”? I’ll stick with “every other” or “twice a week”…. Paying semimonthly means you are making 24 payments each year . Neither, however, is worse than taking the trouble to look for grammar errors in the previous ridiculous sentence and then realizing that that’s how you just spent your valuable time.

bi yearly synonym

In all, Merriam’s includes five examples in its discussion of the prefix “bi-” and they all have something in common. Here are a few of the more interesting language issues this copy editor came across last week. Sometimes in February, they all got paid on the same days. The rest of the time they got paid at nearly identical intervals, about 14 or 15 days between paychecks. Let’s begin with the frequently used English prefix bi-, which means “two.” A bicycle has “two” wheels. A biped, like homo sapiens, walks on only “two” feet, perfect for a bicycle!

Remembering Biannual Vs Semiannual

Semiannual is also an adjective that means twice a year. If you use this one, make sure you don’t accidentally add a hyphen or space between the prefix and root word. Also, you may see this word with a hyphen, semi-annual, or written as two words with a space between each, semi annual. Both of these are merely common errors and should be avoided.

Although it is a small difference, it is a difference. The need, if there is one, if for a snappier way of saying every two months in the same way that we have “quarterly” for every three months. Quarterly derives from “quarter-yearly” and equates to half-yearly, which is synonymous with bi-annually. The richness of English allows synonyms to convey nuanced as well as sharply distinct cash flow meanings. A word is needed for the division of a year that is a two month period – ie a sixth part. Failing that, we are left with describing two months as a multiple of one month – ie two-monthly, every two months, once in two months. That the English did not come up with a word for two months perhaps reflects that such a period of time was of no use to them in their lives.

Whats The Difference Between Semiannual And Biannual?

Our article is intended to point out that decades of careless usage have made these terms ambiguous. “Using bi or semi in front of time periods can cause tremendous confusion. IMHO, if we accept that “semi” will always what are retained earnings refer to the time period, then we should be consistent and also use “bi” to always refer to the time period. So “biweekly” would always be once every two weeks. “Semi” is a bit more abstract, since it means “half”.

This way, your readers and your listeners can know exactly what you are trying to say. American definition and synonyms of biannual from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. The adjectives “biannual” and “biennial” are remarkably similar despite being quite different. Even professional writers and editors could end up mistaking one word for the other. These errors have a fair bit to do with the terms being more familiar to the world of business and finance.

bi yearly synonym

Again with a “weekly” barometer, if you’re meeting half as frequently as weekly then you would be meeting every other week. You’re only partly meeting once a week, at every second week instead.

This is the American English definition of biannual.View British English definition of biannual. A similar confusion lies with “semi-annual” and “semi-yearly”, as both mean “once every six months”. The prefix “semi-”, however, always means “half”. In other words, “semi-weekly” is “twice a week”, and “semi-monthly” means “twice a month” only. As mentioned above, “biannual” and “biennial” mean two different things, and they should, therefore, not be used interchangeably in texts or conversations.

Words Near Biannual In The Thesaurus

That helps me know that two centuries have elapsed and lets me know that bi-anything describes intervals of two units. That leaves semi-anything to mean intervals of one-half units. That is the problem though; it doesn’t QuickBooks matter to enough people and the people for whom it does matter are seen as odd, compulsive or arrogant. Finding this discussion quite interesting after a meeting at work was scheduled bi-weekly causing confusion.

I wonder, though, where you got the information that “every two months” would be the more common usage of bimonthly. I worked for a multinational corporation with hundreds of thousands of employees.

  • It’s a common error, considering the root of these words and how similar they sound.
  • For that reason, many people confuse biannual with biennial.
  • Heteroweekly would mean at some time other than this week.
  • The reason that bifurcating something divides it is because it causes it to have two (bi-) forks or branches.
  • “Biannual” is relatively straightforward, but “biennial” isn’t, since “-ennial” is not as common a word as “weekly”, “monthly”, or “annual” despite being a valid English term.
  • There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage.

Calendars have many events that use the prefix bi-, which means “two.” For instance, the bicentennial of an institution or nation is a celebration commemorating “two”-hundred years of existence. Two words that are easily confused are biannual and biennial. A biannual event happens “two” times every year, whereas a biennial celebration happens once every “two” years. You can remember the difference because alphabetically the “a” of biannual comes before the “e” of biennial, and also happens first in time. Although they are close in timeframe they don’t technically equal each other. If I get paid biweekly, I will receive 26 paychecks in a year. If I get paid semimonthly, I will get receive 24 weeks a year.

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes. Therefore, compared to regular copywriters, writers who excel at writing business and finance pieces are least likely to confuse between the two terms. But if you don’t have a business background, that’s still no excuse to blunder with the two words – especially as you now know the meanings of the terms and the linked discrepancies.

Bisect is a verb meaning to divide something into two equal parts. Sect, to cut, looks to bi- to determine how many parts should be the result, not how many times the cutting should take place.

Biannual Synonyms

But bi- means something that happens every other (week, month…), or every two (weeks, months…), while semi- indicates something that happens twice every or every half . I get paid semi-monthly, on the 5th and 19th of each month. This magazine is published bi-weekly, on the 1st and 15th of the month. Bimonthly means once every two months or twice a month. Biweekly means once every two weeks or twice a week. It was a biannual from April 1970 to October 1977 and has been a quarterly since fall 1978.

Biennial is used as an adjective in English language where it means taking place every other year. Here’s a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. In Powell’s biannual testimony to Congress this week, these tensions were on full display. The art show is a biannual event that won’t happen again for two more years.

Check your dictionary to see what these words mean. In addition, a biweekly publication is issued every two weeks and a bimonthly publication is issued every two months. The annual values were disaggregated into biannual values. Then the biannual values were disaggregated into quarterly values. Finally the quarterly values were disaggregated into the desired monthly values.

Since “biannual” may mean either twice per year or every two years, “semi-biannual” may mean either quarterly or annually. Obviously, it’s better to use unambiguous terms that leave no doubt about what you mean. Use semi-weekly – since it doesn’t have conflicting definitions – to convey twice a week and use bi-weekly for every two weeks.

Being paid every two weeks is much different than being paid semimonthly. There will be some months where I’m paid three times in a month. If it’s “once every two weeks”, that’s equal to twice every FOUR weeks, not every week. Biannual is very close in pronunciation and spelling to the word biennial. Because these two words have different definitions, biannual can be more confusing to readers than semiannual. For this reason, many writers prefer to use semiannual over biannual. When we describe something as biannual, we can mean either that it occurs twice a year or that it occurs once every two years.

Occurring Or Payable Twice Each Year

The prefix “bi-“ is self-explanatory, even to individuals with basic English knowledge. Similarly, the words “weekly” and “monthly” also easily give away their meanings.


This is the same root that gives us the word anniversary. In this way, semiannual (or semi-annual, if you prefer) indicates that an event is taking place every half a year. In other words, a semi-annual sale would take place every six months . The confusion between the two prefixes arises because both relate to “two”. Though “semi-annual” can be used instead of “biannual”, the usage may not always be appropriate.

Bi-monthly has only one correct definition and that is every two months. The interpretation of bi-monthly as twice per month might be officially accepted but it is still wrong. Since 2 never equals 1/2, then bi-monthly can never have the same meaning as semi-monthly. Preparing spreadsheets is beyond the scope of our blog. My DD brought home her 4th grade spelling with the word biannual meaning twice a year but biweekly and bimonthly as meaning every 2 weeks or months, respectively.

biyearly Or biannual?

That’s why we devoted this blog to this unfortunate subject. This would make the ly association the preferred one, and it would mean once every half year, or twice per year. This would also make biannual consistent with biennial, and it produces the usual association for fortnightly, for whatever that’s worth. This analysis applies to all the periods the same way.